
Type I Interferon’s Dual Effect on Immunity

Reduced Inflammation but Increased Susceptibility to Candidiasis

Interferon Beta-1b for the Treatment of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis

Two-Year Study Results

Efficacy and Safety of Type I and III Interferons in the Treatment of COVID-19

Systematic review and meta-analysis

How Helicobacter Interferes with Probiotics to Stimulate The Synthesis of IFN-β

The bacterium produces a unique toxin VacA

How to Choose the Right Probiotic

An experiment on 43 strains shows that probiotics stimulate or suppress interferon synthesis depending on the type

A Delicate Balance of Type I Interferon Defeats Fungus

Impaired interferon response contributes to inflammation and severe fungal infections

Omicron and Delta are The Most Interferon-Resistant COVID-19 Strains

IFN-alpha8, IFN-beta, and IFN-omega coronavirus are most effectively suppressed

Interferon-beta Suppresses Monkeypox

Laboratory study of monkeypox prevention and treatment

Chronic Stress Increases Interferon-Beta Levels and Causes Neuroinflammation

Neuroinflammation and Behavioral Disorders Depend on Complement C3 Protein

Interferon-Beta Treatment For Adult Patients With COVID-19

Systematic review

Late Treatment of COVID-19 Patients with Interferon-Beta Increases Mortality

A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study

Inhaled interferon-beta is effective and safe in treating SARS-CoV-2

British randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Phase 2

Inhalation of interferon β-1a reduces mortality in COVID-19 and accelerates recovery

The results of the phase 2 study of the effectiveness of interferon β-1a inhalation in coronavirus infection have been published

Dexamethasone – a promising treatment for COVID-19

Dexamethasone reduces mortality among seriously ill patients with coronavirus

Microbiota protects against the flu

Tonic interferon signals in the stroma of the lungs are controlled by the microbiota and increase resistance to flu

Treating COVID-19 with interfron-beta-1a twice reduces mortality

Subcutaneous administration of interferon three times a week increases the frequency of discharge on day 14 from 44% to 67%

Severe COVID-19 is associated with SARS-CoV-2 ability to suppress interferon production

Interferon beta is not detecting in the body of infected people. The level of interferon-alpha decreases with increasing severity of the disease

Type I interferons as a perspective treatment for COVID-19

Efficacy and safety of IFN-I in treating the new coronavirus