
Как жирные кислоты влияют на дендритные клетки и воспаление

ПНЖК омега-6 способствуют воспалению даже в отсутствие инфекции

Smoking, Inflammation, and Infection Risk: What You Need to Know

Smoking exacerbates inflammatory processes and induces genetic changes

Interferon α2b and Vitamin D Reduce Inflammation in Vaginal Infections in Pregnancy

Influence of complex therapy on the balance of cytokines

Thymus: aging and rejuvenation factors

Review of clinical and laboratory studies

Interferon-Gamma Role in Parkinson’s Disease

T cells promote inflammation and death of dopaminergic neurons

Modern Immunity was Designed by The Black Death Epidemic of The 14th Century

ERAP2 gene protects against plague but increases the risk of autoimmune disease

Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, and Immunity

Sleep Disruption Increases Inflammation and Suppresses the Immune System

Diet in COVID-19: Five Facts About Antiviral Nutrition

How dietary habits, vitamins, and trace elements affect immunity

Post-Vaccination and Natural COVID-19 Antibodies: Which Protect Better?

S-protein in a closed state as the basis of future vaccines

Do Autoimmune Diseases Predispose to Severe COVID-19

And can SARS-CoV-2 infection cause autoimmunity?

How antiviral immunity works

The reaction of the acquired immune system to protect against SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses

T-lymphocytes will provide immunity if there are no antibodies after COVID-19

Cellular immunity in recovering COVID-19 patients with undetectable IgG antibody levels

Immunological memory for SARS-CoV-2. Five components of the immune response

How coronavirus immunity is formed and how long it lasts. Is immune memory produced and stored for how long in mild and asymptomatic COVID-19

Natural and Post-Vaccination COVID-19 Antibodies: What Is Most Important

Protective level of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2: when it is produced, what it depends on, and how much is stored

The experts: how to cope with SARS, flu, and coronavirus — tips and answers to readers’ questions

Do prevention, comply with safety requirements, if you get sick — consult a doctor.

Innate immune abnormalities pose a risk of severe COVID-19

14% of patients with severe coronavirus have a genetic abnormality or autoimmune disease

How gender affects immunity in COVID-19

The second X-chromosome reduces the incidence and mortality from coronavirus in women

The role of type I interferons in the development of severe COVID-19

Comparison of immune responses in mild and severe forms of COVID-19 and severe flu

Immunotherapy complication: cytokine release syndrome

Blocking the increasing production of catecholamines reduces inflammatory damage and mortality

Evolutionary significance of interferons and SARS protection

How to protect yourself in a seasonal rise of SARS

COVID-19: Nutrition and longevity

How to adjust your diet to increase your antiviral protection and live longer

Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 in the nasal and bronchial epithelium

Effectiveness of the Remdesivir-Diltiazem combination in Vero E6 and HAE models

Severe COVID-19 is associated with SARS-CoV-2 ability to suppress interferon production

Interferon beta is not detecting in the body of infected people. The level of interferon-alpha decreases with increasing severity of the disease

Studying COVID-19 to understand the immune hyperactivity

Pathological immune responses in COVID-19 lead to damage to blood vessels and internal organs. Severe clinical cases could be a source that allows us to better study disorders of immune regulation

Treating herpes locally: comparing combined and monotherapy

A combination of drugs affects different mechanisms of viruses’ reproduction. Monotherapy is strong with a higher concentration of the active substance

Intestinal Microbiota as a Health Regulator

Probiotics improve the balance of intestinal micro-organisms and leveling the short-chain fatty acids. The role of probiotics in health promotion and disease prevention.

Vitamin D levels appear to play a role in COVID-19 mortality rates

Sufficient level of Vitamin D can reduce mortality and the risk of severe complications

The role of interferon in the pathogenesis of human infectious diseases (by Andrey S. Simbirtsev – MD, PhD, Prof)

The function of interferon is to force the body's antiviral activity