
From Cold to Pneumonia: The Role of Macrophages in Coronavirus

Activated Interstitial Macrophages as a Target for COVID-19 Treatment

Type I Interferon’s Dual Effect on Immunity

Reduced Inflammation but Increased Susceptibility to Candidiasis

COVID-19 Increases the Risk of Osteoporosis

Inflammatory Cytokines Trigger Bone Tissue Degradation

Interrelation between Oral Candidiasis and Diabetes Mellitus

Decreased interferon-gamma and increased IL-10 increase the risk of Candida

Prevention of Interferon-Alpha-induced Depression

How antidepressants, sleep, and cytokine IL-6 influence the risk of depression

Type I Interferon Protects against Hyperinflammation and Tissue Damage

Interferon inhibits the production of enzymes by macrophages that destroy tissue structure

Resistance Training Improves Sleep and Increases Muscle Strength in Older People with Sarcopenia

Resistance exercise reduces inflammation while improving muscle recovery

Interferon-Gamma Role in Parkinson’s Disease

T cells promote inflammation and death of dopaminergic neurons

Inflammatory Cytokines Cause Cardiac Arrhythmias in COVID-19

Cytokines IL-6 and IL-10 are risk factors for atrial and ventricular arrhythmias

Chronic Stress Increases Interferon-Beta Levels and Causes Neuroinflammation

Neuroinflammation and Behavioral Disorders Depend on Complement C3 Protein

The role of type I interferons in the development of severe COVID-19

Comparison of immune responses in mild and severe forms of COVID-19 and severe flu

Immunotherapy complication: cytokine release syndrome

Blocking the increasing production of catecholamines reduces inflammatory damage and mortality

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the intensity of interferon studies

The research of interferon-alpha-2b for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 has the most significant interest

Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 in the nasal and bronchial epithelium

Effectiveness of the Remdesivir-Diltiazem combination in Vero E6 and HAE models

Severe COVID-19 is associated with SARS-CoV-2 ability to suppress interferon production

Interferon beta is not detecting in the body of infected people. The level of interferon-alpha decreases with increasing severity of the disease

Studying COVID-19 to understand the immune hyperactivity

Pathological immune responses in COVID-19 lead to damage to blood vessels and internal organs. Severe clinical cases could be a source that allows us to better study disorders of immune regulation