
Голодание через день влияет на метаболизм, иммунитет и гормоны

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Как жирные кислоты влияют на дендритные клетки и воспаление

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Smoking, Inflammation, and Infection Risk: What You Need to Know

Smoking exacerbates inflammatory processes and induces genetic changes

How to Eat for Depression

Diets and Foods That Help Reduce Inflammation and Improve Mood

Vitamins and Minerals for Wound Healing

5 Recommendations to Restore Nutritional Balance

Training the Sense of Smell Protects the Elderly from Dementia

Aroma-based memory enhancement and cognitive agility

Intermittent Fasting Protects Against Cardiovascular Diseases

Intermittent fasting reduces inflammation and counteracts atherosclerosis

How to improve Attention and Memory with Aging

Medications, procedures, and lifestyle to improve cognitive function in the elderly

Vitamin D: Over 400 IU Needed During Pregnancy

The development of a child's nervous system depends on the status of vitamin D3

Metformin in Gestational Diabetes

Does metformin reduce hyperglycemia and the need for insulin in pregnant women with gestational diabetes?

Collagen Supplements Proven to Reverse Skin Aging and Relieve Orthopedic Conditions

Review of studies from 2000-2022

Anti-Aging Drugs

Fourteen ways to extend your life

How The Immune System Contributes to Brain Aging

cGAS-STING blockade may prevent aging-related neurodegeneration

Tomatoes Lower Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

Lycopene for vascular health: a meta-analysis

How Whey Protein Affects Cholesterol and Glycemic Control

Meta-analysis of studies in patients with the metabolic syndrome

Elevated Cholesterol: Diet and Exercise against Cardiovascular Disease

How to lower cholesterol without statins

Maternal Microbiota Accelerates Baby Brain Development after Cesarean Section

Artificial transfer of microbiota may reduce ADHD risk

Enhancing the Effectiveness of Antidepressants: Supplements and Diet

Folic acid, omega-3, vitamin D, and the Mediterranean diet may improve the efficacy of SSRIs / SNRIs

Prevention of Interferon-Alpha-induced Depression

How antidepressants, sleep, and cytokine IL-6 influence the risk of depression

Zinc Supplementation Improves Bone Density in Osteoporosis

Study in older adults with zinc deficiency

Thymus: aging and rejuvenation factors

Review of clinical and laboratory studies

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

Intermittent fasting improves insulin sensitivity and protects against hypertension

How to Identify Disease by Nails

Nail changes and their association with systemic diseases

How to Choose the Right Probiotic

An experiment on 43 strains shows that probiotics stimulate or suppress interferon synthesis depending on the type

Metformin Increases The Risk of Diabetic Neuropathy

Vitamin B12 supplementation prevents neuropathy in patients taking metformin

Lycopene – An Antioxidant for Vascular and Brain Health

Consumption rate and content in products

Diet for Type 2 Diabetes

How to reduce blood glucose and find a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The Most Bioavailable Potassium Is in Baked Potatoes

A study on healthy humans

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Recommendations for Dietary Supplements

What causes fatigue and how to improve the condition with the help of vitamins and trace elements

Nutrition Plan Against Hypertension

Desserts are replaced with fruits and vegetables

Resistance Training Improves Sleep and Increases Muscle Strength in Older People with Sarcopenia

Resistance exercise reduces inflammation while improving muscle recovery

Walking Style to Reduce Dementia Risk

Fast and intense steps are the most effective

Digital Symbol Substitution Test (DSST): How to Identify Cognitive Dysfunction in 2 Minutes

Neuropsychological test for cognitive deficits, brain damage and psychiatric disorders

Fiber Intake Slows Age-Related Brain Degradation

34 grams of dietary fiber per day supports cognitive function in older adults

Coffee for Asthma

Caffeine short-term improves lung function

Exercise or Metformin: Which is Better for Insulin Resistance?

A combination of aerobic and strength training improves fat oxidation and insulin sensitivity

Daily Vegetable Consumption Reduces The Risk of Dementia In Elders

400 grams of vegetables reduce the risk of dementia by 31%

Nutrition to Protect DNA: What Foods Slow Down The Aging

Effect of food, nutrients, and dietary habits on telomere length

How Alcohol Reduces Volume and Cognitive Functions of The Brain

A series of multi-year studies

Three Eggs A Day Protect Against Cardiovascular Disease

Eating Eggs Improves Cholesterol Clearance and Reduces Oxidative Stress

Calorie Restriction Slows Down Aging and Prolongs Life

Diet reduces inflammation and resists changes in gene activity

Interferon And Lactation: Clinical Experience with Interferon-Alpha in Breastfeeding

Does interferon-alpha pass into breast milk?

Diabetes Treatment: Probiotics Improve Glucose Metabolism

A meta-analysis of the effect of probiotics on glucose levels, glycated hemoglobin, insulin and insulin resistance

Dietary Supplements: How to Relieve Muscle Pain after Exercise

Protein, beta-alanine, creatine, and polyphenols to accelerate muscle recovery

What are The Properties of Interferons in Pain

Interferon-gamma enhances, and interferon-alpha suppresses pain sensitivity

Chronic Stress Increases Interferon-Beta Levels and Causes Neuroinflammation

Neuroinflammation and Behavioral Disorders Depend on Complement C3 Protein

Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, and Immunity

Sleep Disruption Increases Inflammation and Suppresses the Immune System

Interferon in the central nervous system

Helpful and harmful effects of interferon in the brain

Protective and pathogenic effects of interferon during pregnancy

Interferon affects the outcome of both a healthy pregnancy and a pregnancy complicated by a viral infection or an autoimmune disease

A hot sauna will protect you from the coronavirus

Hydrothermotherapy for the prevention and treatment of mild and moderate cases of COVID-19

Yogurt enhances the expression of interferon-gamma

The effect of fermented milk on interferon production in children with malnutrition and patients with anorexia nervosa

Fasting prolongs life, supports cell health, and regulates interferon production

Moderate cellular stress increases the level of reactive oxygen species and contributes to the adaptation of the body

COVID-19: Nutrition and longevity

How to adjust your diet to increase your antiviral protection and live longer

Vitamins and trace elements against anxiety and depression

Optimal nutrient level protects against mental disorders

Physical activity and human’s mental state

The effectiveness of moderate exercise in severe depression is comparable to taking antidepressants with a lower frequency of relapses

Intestinal Microbiota as a Health Regulator

Probiotics improve the balance of intestinal micro-organisms and leveling the short-chain fatty acids. The role of probiotics in health promotion and disease prevention.

Avoiding risk factors prolongs life by 10 years

Scientists have been monitoring the lifestyle influence on the development of chronic diseases for 34 years